PEEE 2022 | Virtual Conference
PEEE 2022 was originally intended to be held in Barcelona, Spain during November 18-20, 2022. However, affected by the limited travel restrictions caused by the global pandemic, the decision has been made to transform the in-person component of PEEE 2022 into a full virtual conference experience. Sharing and discussing the research ideas in keynote speeches and technical sessions, conference was held successfully with the online attendance of authors and speakers, as well as the great support from the conference committees.

Online participations Group Photo
Keynote Speakers: Prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci, University of Bologna, Italy (IEEE Fellow); Prof. A. R. Al-Ali, American University of Sharjah, UAE; Prof. Hossam A. Gabbar, Ontario Tech University, Canada; Dr. Hakim Nesreddine, Hydro-Quebec, Canada
Photo Gallery
Best Oral Presentation Awards Winners
- Session 1 (PEEE22-264)
Energy and Exergy Assessment for a University of Sharjah’s PV grid-connected System based on Experimental for Harsh Terrestrial Conditions
Tareq Salameh | University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
- Session 2 (PEEE22-291)
Unbalance Compensated Distance Relay for Active Distribution Networks
S. Pérez-Londoño | Universidad Tecnoló gica de Pereira, Colombia
Improvement of Overcurrent Protection for Control Rod Drive Mechanism Power System
Lingjin Zhu | Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
- Session 3 (PEEE22-124)
Planning of Fast Charging Stations with Consideration of EV User, Distribution Network and Station Operation
Madathodika Asna | United Arab Emirates University, UAE
- Session 4 (PEEE22-262)
Semi-explicit Multilinear Modelling of a PQ Open-Loop Controlled PV Inverter in Αβ-Frame
Christoph Kaufmann | Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES, Germany
- Session 5 (PEEE22-105)
A Fast Switching Strategy for DVR based on Current Control Algorithm
Zhenyu Li | Zhejiang University, China
- Session 6 (PEEE22-3113)
Bidding Strategy for Virtual Power Plants With the Day-ahead and Balancing Markets Using Distributionally Robust Optimization Approach
Xiping Jing | Guangxi University, China
- Session 7 (PEEE22-122)
Design of a Delay Dependent Wide Area Damping Controller Using Cyber-Physical Power System Architecture
Zhenglong Sun | Northeast Electric Power University, China
- Session 8 (PEEE22-120)
Fuzzy-based Coordinated Control and Parameter Correction Strategy for Speed Controller of PMSG Wind Turbine in Frequency Response
Bo Peng | Shandong Jianzhu University, China
- Session 9 (PEEE22-242E)
Modeling, Polynomial Regression, and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization of SI Engine Performance Improvement Powered by Acetone Gasoline Fuel Blends
Hussein Alahmer | Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
- Session 10 (PEEE22-111)
Thermal Evaluation of Flow Channels with Perforated-Baffles
Smith Eiamsa-ard | King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
Conference Proceedings

PEEE 2022 - Energy Reports
Volume 9, Supplement 3 - - Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Ei Compendex and Scopus